Unleash your strengths with digital coaching

After completing the strength test in the Strengthmaker app, you are well on the way to discovering and utilizing your individual strengths. But what’s next? To better tailor the results of the test to your personal situation and apply the findings to your everyday life, the Strengthmaker app offers a coaching experience that starts directly after the strength test.

Why ask coaching questions based on the strength test?

The strengths test helps you to recognize your talents and strengths. But strengths only really take effect when they are applied in your specific professional and personal context. This is where the coaching questions come into play: they help you to reflect more deeply on the test results and adapt them to your current situation. This results in a personal strengths report that really suits you.

The questions are not just there to help you organize your thoughts. They enable the app’s artificial intelligence to make a more precise assessment of your strengths. Based on your answers, the AI creates an additional percentage rating that shows how well your talents are being utilized in your current life. This assessment only takes into account your answers from the coaching and gives your top 5 talents a total score of 100%. The result is a differentiated view of your skills that shows you even more clearly where your potential lies and how well it is being developed in your current context.

Different question types: Free text, selection fields and sliders

The coaching comprises a total of 50 questions, which are divided into three different question types: Free text questions, choice boxes and sliders.

Free text questions: These questions give you the opportunity to formulate your thoughts freely. You can go into detail about your personal experiences, beliefs and goals. Here you have the space to formulate your answers individually and without restrictions.

Selection fields: For these questions, you choose your answer from predetermined options. It is important to scroll down these questions as well to make sure you see all possible answer options and choose the one that suits you best.

Slider: These question types allow you to indicate the level of certain characteristics or attitudes on a scale. With a slider, you can give finely graded answers that reflect exactly how strong or weak you see a certain characteristic in yourself.

The combination of these question types allows you to think about your strengths in a structured and differentiated way and to reflect on them in the context of your life.

Time management: 5, 15 and 30 minutes of coaching

The coaching questions are divided into three categories, depending on how much time you want to invest:

Short and direct (5 minutes): These questions offer a quick start and can be answered quickly. They are ideal if you are short on time but still want to take away a valuable impulse for the day. Moderate reflection (15 minutes): These questions give you the opportunity to think more deeply about your strengths and goals. They are perfect for a break where you want to take a closer look at yourself. Deep analysis and planning (30 minutes): These questions are suitable if you are ready to dive deep into your personal development. They help you to develop clear plans and strategies to make targeted use of your strengths. The personal strengths report

At the end of this process is your personal strengths report – a document that not only summarizes the results of the strengths test, but also takes into account your answers to the coaching questions. This report shows you how you can use your talents in your current everyday life to achieve your goals.

The ranking of your talent themes is based on the test results, but the additional percentage score generated by the AI based on your coaching answers shows you how well these talents are coming to fruition in your current context. For your top 5 talents, this evaluation results in a total of 100%, which gives you a precise orientation as to which strengths you can further develop and use in a targeted manner.

Data protection and confidentiality

Your privacy and the protection of your personal data are particularly important to us. All answers you provide during the coaching session will be treated with absolute confidentiality and used exclusively for your individual evaluation. They will not be used to train the artificial intelligence of the Strengthmaker app or for any other purpose.

Should you decide to delete your user account at any time, all associated data, including your answers to the coaching questions, will also be completely and irrevocably deleted. You can rest assured that your information is in safe hands with us.

Your coaching – repeatable at any time

Another advantage of digital coaching in the Strengthmaker app is that you can repeat the entire coaching process at any time. Whether your life circumstances have changed or you simply want to gain new perspectives – it’s worth repeating the coaching regularly. With each repetition, your previous results are overwritten so that your strengths report is always up to date. This helps you to continuously work on your goals and keep an eye on your development.

How often should you repeat the coaching?

The frequency with which you repeat the coaching depends on your personal and professional development. As a guide:

Every 6 to 12 months: Regular repetition makes sense in order to keep adapting your strengths to new professional and personal circumstances.

In the event of major changes: In the event of a job change or other major life events, a repeat session is particularly helpful to reassess your strengths.

Goal and performance review: After reaching or missing goals, coaching can help you reflect on your progress and develop new strategies.

Ongoing personal development: If you want to continuously work on yourself, it makes sense to carry out coaching every 3 to 6 months.

The final step of your onboarding process

Coaching after the strength test is the last step of your onboarding to the Strengthmaker app. As soon as you have completed this process, all the app’s functions and analyses are available to you. You can view your personal strengths report at any time, track your development and access a variety of tools to help you use and develop your strengths in a targeted manner.

Your next step

Take the time to answer the coaching questions – whether you invest 5, 15 or 30 minutes. Every moment of reflection brings you closer to your goal of living your strengths in everyday life. With the Strengthmaker app, you have a tool at hand that helps you to get the best out of yourself and see your path more clearly.

Get ready to use your strengths in a targeted way and review them regularly to stay on top of your development.

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